Facebook (FB) is already part of life for millions of individuals across the globe. It's already among the Internet giants like Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Amazon, & e-Bay. It has evolved as both a social interaction tool & a real-time communication tool (many Yahoo & MSN messenger users have switched to FB because of the chat feature). Unfortunately, most users will agree that FB is nowhere close the standards set by Google, YouTube, & Amazon when it comes to responsiveness, reliability, & availability. Personally, I have experienced extremely slow page loading, many error messages, not allowing me to login or post messages, and show only subset of postings by others. Hence, I don’t depend on FB to contact others & have a low appreciation as a useful service.
FB seems to be relying on extensive JavaScript & extended variants of MySQL, PHP, & Memcached. It's understandable that FB has to handle so much data, users, & their relationships. Unfortunately, heir underlying architecture seems to be not scalable. MySQL & PHP may be extended only to a certain extent. May be FB needs to look into completely new approaches like what Google (MapReduce, GFS) & Amazon (Dynamo) have done. Alternatively, many poorly written 3rd partly applications are breaking FB than making it. I don't have a solution for these problems, but I feel this is a good opportunity for research in handling large-scale data objects in a multi-user interaction based distributed environment.