Though distributed systems are inherently distributed, autonomous, and parallel, all textbooks that I have read so far are boring & serial, going from one topic to another as they are independent topics. Wondering about how best to present all related topics and their relationships in my class, I came up with the following mind map. I was able to explain most of the key concepts using a single example of a web-based business that started selling flowers. It was a student who suggested that we consider selling flowers. It turned out to be a good example, as there had to be a connection to the physical world where the business also needed a geographical distributed delivery system. Taught of sharing the mind map. Though most of those branches can be broken down further this level of detailed was sufficient for my class (by the way it took 1 hour to finish the discussion on this slide).
Distributed Systems Mind Map |
I have just started working on Oversim. I simulate chord and pastry using diffrent churn generator. chord works fine with all churn generators. even pastry work fine with lifetime and pareto churn.
when i use random churn generator in pastry using simple network following error occur "all nodes are already prekilled .OverSim: common/ virtual void RandomChurn::handleMessage(cMessage*): Assertion `(oldTerminalCount - 1) == terminalCount' failed."please suggest its solution.