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Most of us tend to type some funny words or break a word into multiple words which are not captured by the spell checker. Inability of the spell checker to understand the context leads to this issue. Here is a Word Macro to detect such errors which I developed while writing my PhD proposal.
Most of us tend to type some funny words or break a word into multiple words which are not captured by the spell checker. Inability of the spell checker to understand the context leads to this issue. Here is a Word Macro to detect such errors which I developed while writing my PhD proposal.
Macro searches for each word in the 'terms' array and move the cursor to the first occurrence allowing you to manually edit the word(s). It doesn't correct errors as some of the words are context sensitive and depends on the position of a sentence. You can always extend the to code to deal with common mistakes like writing 'in to' instead of 'into'. After each correction you need to rerun the macro. Simplest way to rerun is to assign a shortcut key to the macro. When all the words are searched you will see a message saying "Double Check Compete...!". Feel free to add your own words to the 'terms' array.
Sub Double_Check()
' Double_Check Macro
' This macro only points you to the first location of word that you may have misspelled or
' written as multiple words. It doesn't correct errors as some of the words are context sensitive
' (can be extended if needed). You need to rerun the macro until all erros are corrected.'
'List of words that you have tendency to misspell or write as multiple words
terms = Array(" ", "all most", "all ready", "all together", "all ways", _
"before hand", "can not", "community wide", "data center", _
"et. al.", "far away", "fig,", "further more", "in to", _
"my self", "testbed", "Wide spread")
For Each my_item In terms
With Selection.Find
.Text = my_item 'term to search
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.MatchCase = False 'case insensitive
.MatchWholeWord = True
End With
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then
End ' exit if a match
End If
Next my_item
MsgBox ("Double Check Complete...!")
End Sub
You can add a shortcut key to Word by going to Customize Quick Access Toolbar button (on top left corner) → More Commands... → Customize → Keyboard shortcuts. Press the Customize button.