Sometimes the results of a performance analysis may depend on the computers used and/or specific features of software/libraries. In such cases it is extremely important to describe the experimental/simulation set up in details. It enables others to repeat those experiments as well as check whether the results are rigorous, statistically sound, and unbiased. Unfortunately, "Simulation Setup" is the shortest section in many research papers where authors try to save space by cutting down as much as details. Here are some tips on what to include (in addition to describing the experimental/simulation setup) based on my experiences: Type of Simulation Are the results based on Experimentation , Emulation , or Simulation ? If simulations also mention further details like whether it is Discrete Event , Montacarlo , Stochastic , or Deterministic simulation. Are the results for Steady , Dynamic , Starting/ramp-up , or Terminating state(s)? Number of Exp...