As our 1st step towards formally establishing the HPC Lab in the department, we launched the website last week. We will add more content with time. Next step is to physically set up a lab once we get a room (currently our resources are spread around).
This could be a series of blog posts about extending or developing your own OverSim applications & overlay networks. OverSim has a minimal tutorial on writing your own application & overlay network; however, it doesn't show the big picture. So, I'm wasting lots of time playing with code & trying to understand the rest. Good thing is, I like it more & more as I understand. You need to change/develop only a few things, but finding out which ones is a hell of a task. I hope this will not only make my life easy but also will be useful to new comers. Here's what you need to do: You need some background on OMNeT++ OverSim extend OMNeT++. But sometime it has its own way of doing things (to make your task even simple) so understand the differences . Develop several OMNeT++ simulators. TicToc is a good one to start with. Extend it as you imagine. Read Towards a Common API for Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlays , which is the basis for OvseSim's AP...